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Startup Tools

interactions, widgets, effects Django – high-level Python framework Cappuccino – open source framework for app development Kodingen – cloud development environment, code editor, hosting service, collaboration platform.

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Startup Resources

Ruby Toolbox. Sinatra : Super easy to use, the only drawback is that you have to learn ruby setup your database. s free, supports ruby, nodejs, static files, and a few other languages. Rails (Ruby). Aptana Cloud (svn, IDE, php, java, rails etc…). Cloud Infrastructure. Mockingbird. Adobe Photoshop *.

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Where is the best place to find a rockstar developer to bring it to life?

Ryan Hornbeck , Computer and Cloud Systems Integrator. Affiliated with the Small Business Admin. Pek Pongpaet , recovering web designer/developer Idea guy bashing aside, a good place to find great developers could be meetups - Ruby on Rails, Python, iPhone etc. Avdi Grimm , Been doing web development in Ruby on.