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Startup Resources

Ruby Toolbox. Sinatra : Super easy to use, the only drawback is that you have to learn ruby setup your database. s free, supports ruby, nodejs, static files, and a few other languages. Rails (Ruby). open source framework for Ruby. Ruby cloud platform.Rails deployment made easy. Mockingbird. Color Choose.

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Startup Tools

Github - Free public repositories, collaborator management, issue tracking, wikis, downloads, code review, graphs Pivotal Tracker – Agile project management tool that enables real time collaboration. WebSequenceDiagrams - sketch sequence diagrams. Bontq – hosted bug tracking and project management needs.

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Finding a Technical Partner for Your Startup

If you’re likely to use Ruby on Rails, find the local Ruby users group monthly meeting. If you’re in Sacramento, go to the Sacramento Ruby Meetup and go to the San Francisco Ruby Meetup as well. Look out for teams/vendors who work on Agile, so that you are flexible with your requirements.