Tue.Jan 29, 2013

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10 Steps To Stop Procrastinating – So You Can Be More Productive At Work


By Jude Bijou MA MFT, author of “ Attitude Reconstruction – A Blueprint for Building a Better Life “ Everyone procrastinates. We usually do it to avoid a task that’s unpleasant or daunting. But when procrastinating starts to interfere with performance at work – by causing us to feel worried, fearful, and stressed-out, or by causing others to feel anxious because we’re holding up progress – then it’s time to stop putting the task aside and get on wi

Product 190
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Inside The New Microsoft Office App Store: One Developer’s Story


How does a small app developer manage to distinguish itself on the new Microsoft Office app store? Work fast, track competitors and design a great icon. One of the features of the new Microsoft Office revision is the Office Store , where users can download plugins and other tools to supplement the core Office experience. Microsoft is rolling out its subscription service, Office 365 , to consumers on Tuesday, January 29 ; business users should receive it a bit later.

Wiki 60

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Goodbye Jody. You Really Were Awesome

Both Sides of the Table

Jody. You’re gone too early. We still had so many more times to spend together. I loved this image I saw posted by Andy Rankin. Because this is the one word that was not in your vocabulary. And it was the first word I muttered when I heard the news tonight. I remember when we met years ago. I think Michael Kantor introduced us. You were pitching me an online business selling other people’s baby food.

Mexico 406
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Oracles expanding Cloud

deal architect

I am glad I was part of a (virtual) fireside chat yesterday with Mark Hurd and Thomas Kurian on the Oracle Cloud before I read Bob Evans’ indignant post on Forbes which has the tone of “when is the world.

Cloud 265
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Building Healthy Innovation Ecosystems for Your Projects

Speaker: Nick Noreña, Innovation Coach and Advisor, Kromatic

Every startup and innovation project exists within an ecosystem that either helps or hurts that project. As innovation managers, we need to keep a pulse of that ecosystem and make sure we're helping those innovation projects we're managing every step of the way. In this webinar, Nick Noreña will walk through an Innovation Ecosystem Model that he and his team at Kromatic have developed to help investors, heads of product, teachers, and executives understand how they can best support innovation in

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A compass is not a map

A Smart Bear: Startups and Marketing for Geeks

An entrepreneur confided in me recently that he didn’t like Lean Startup; did I think that was OK? Or is he not cut out to build a startup? A founder uses “37signals does it” to justify every decision, even if he can’t explain why, or why it applies to his situation, or whether 37signals did that when they were still his size.

Framework 253
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What is the Primary Reason For Startup Failure?

Startup Professionals Musings

When I heard a friend make the statement “Your startup can’t fail if you don’t quit,” I realized that every entrepreneur should adopt it as their mantra. Pivoting or dealing a new hand is not quitting. If we all repeat this mantra, perhaps we can improve the statistic that over half of new startups fail within five years. Nothing is more discouraging to future entrepreneurs than a failed startup.

Turkey 252

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Be Vulnerable

Feld Thoughts

We are told that leaders must be strong. They must be confident. They must be unflinching. They must hide their fear. They must never blink. They cannot be soft in any way. B t. Last night, after my first public talk on the new book that Amy and I just released titled Startup Life: Surviving and Thriving in a Relationship with an Entrepreneur , a woman came up to me afterwards and gave me two pieces of feedback.

Partner 194
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Nine Best Cost-Cutting Tips For Startups


By Brett Reizen , co-founder and CEO of Entertainment Benefits Group (EBG). Having launched my startup, Entertainment Benefits Group (EBG) , the day after 9/11, I quickly learned the value of being frugal during the challenging economic times that followed. Today, EBG is a leading provider of travel and entertainment worldwide, reaching corporations and consumers worldwide through our corporate benefits program, TicketsAtWork.com , and several consumer sites including BestOfVegas.com , BestOfOrl

Cost 160
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Don’t Wait To Graduate To Start a Company

Lightspeed Venture Partners

Last week we announced our company Pushpins was acquired by Performance Marketing Brands (parent to Ebates/Fatwallet). It has been a wild ride since we started the company in our dorm at Harvard Business School just over three years ago My co-founder, Peter Michailidis and I learned so much along our journey and feel so fortunate that we started Pushpins when we did rather than waiting until after we graduated.

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Less Than a Week Left to Apply to the Nike+ Accelerator

Feld Thoughts

If you’re working on a quantified self product or are part of a startup that would benefit from integration with Nike+, you have less than a week left to apply to the Nike+ Accelerator, powered by TechStars (deadline is February 3rd). If accepted, you will receive $20,000 in seed funding and support from TechStars, and mentorship from leaders within TechStars and Nike.

Portland 139
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Eight Bad Sleep Habits That Are Killing Your Success

Mike Michalowicz

Eight Bad Sleep Habits That Are Killing Your Success. Sleep. Sweet sleep. When your day is crammed to the max, the only place most of us can carve out more time for work is by getting less sleep. After all, burning the candle at both ends does provide more light, right? True. But it also burns the candle down faster. Sleep is one of the most important things our bodies need in order to be healthy.

Restful 107
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8 Ways to Maximize the Value of Your Business

Growthink Blog

The lifecycle of most businesses from the owner's perspective is generally the same. First, you start or buy the business. Then, you grow the business. And finally, at some point, you exit the business. During these second and third phases the differences between higher quality and lower quality entrepreneurs is really apparent. Specifically, the best entrepreneurs are able to maximize the value of their businesses and exit them at a price substantially greater than the price they paid to acquir

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Amazon to challenge Google in online advertising?

The Equity Kicker

Amazon has been slowly building an adtech business for the past few years now. Back in 2008 I wrote about the launch of their advertising network and since then there has been a steady trickle of announcements and hires that show they are getting more and more serious about becoming a player in the adtech market. The pace of announcements seems to have picked up a bit recently and this morning the FT ran an article entitled Amazon opens up new advertising front.

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laugh. inspire. help.


Yesterday, I lost a fellow entrepreneur, mentor, and friend Jody Sherman. The last 15 hours or so has been a complete shock. For most of that time, I’ve been scouring the internet trying to find more articles like this , this , and this about Jody while hoping and praying that’s it’s some bad dream or joke. But it’s time to keep hustlin’, because that’s how Jody would’ve wanted it, so I’m going to share 3 stories about him. . laugh.

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Innovation in Michiana, How Whirlpool Creates Magic

Gregg Fraley, Author of Jack's Notebook

Benton Harbor, Michigan, have you heard of it? It’s a big enough town that it shows up on the weather maps of Chicago TV stations. It’s directly across Lake Michigan from Chicago. It’s in tourist area, but it’s hardly a garden spot — not nearly as quaint as nearby victorian-gingerbreadish St. Joseph. Locals call the area Michiana, a term to describe the cachement of small and medium sized towns along the Indiana-Michigan border (Gary, Michigan City, Niles, Elkhart,

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7 Essential Elements to Small Business Growth

Duct Tape Marketing

Business plans are great, useful even, but the planning process and a growth oriented plan of action is where it’s at for the small business. A growth strategy planning approach forces you to focus on customer based strategy, high priority objectives and measurement of the things that actually impact your ability to reach your growth goals. Every business that has growth in mind should make quarterly planning the practical and useful vehicle that it is.

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Free Mini-reviews (Part 6)


Part 6 of my annual free mini-reviews. Disclaimer: I haven’t seen any analytics or survey data for any of these websites, and all my comments are only based on my experience in the field. I’m only spending very little time on each site, so there’s going to be superficiality. Some of my feedback is going to be brilliant, and some of it won’t make any difference.

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Fighting With Your Back Against the Wall

Rob Go

It’s a great scene in many movies. There is a climactic moment when it’s clear that the odds are badly stacked against the heroes. But it’s also clear that there is nowhere to run, or no time to avoid a conflict. It’s now or never, and a glorious battle ensues with a dramatic outcome, win or lose. There is nothing like really having your back to the wall to focus a startup’s efforts.

Founder 59
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laugh. inspire. help.


'Yesterday, I lost a fellow entrepreneur, mentor, and friend Jody Sherman. The last 15 hours or so has been a complete shock. For most of that time, I’ve been scouring the internet trying to find more articles like this , this , and this about Jody while hoping and praying that’s it’s some bad dream or joke. But it’s time to keep hustlin’, because that’s how Jody would’ve wanted it, so I’m going to share 3 stories about him. . laugh.

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10 Tips for Creating Killer Company Culture

Early Growth Financial Services

Originally published in KillerStartups. How important is a well developed company culture to you and how do you communicate your company culture to new team members? The following answers are provided by the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only nonprofit organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, the YEC recently launched #StartupLab, a free virtual mentorship program that helps millions of entrepreneurs start and grow business

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via @sworntoblack

Bryce Dot VC

via @sworntoblack

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Four Things To Consider When Taking Your Startup Global


Your startup is growing at a healthy pace and you’ve done pretty well in your domestic market. In fact, you’ve come to the point where you’re already considering expanding across the region… or even internationally. That’s an incredible milestone, and you’re on your way to success. Congratulations! But going international will be an entirely new ball game.

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What’s next in Mobile?

Jason Ball

I joined Qualcomm Ventures 5 years ago because I thought the newly released iPhone would herald in an era where the web met wireless – and what a 5 years it’s been… The first wave of companies, when I first started, were “mobile only” plays – they were remnants of the dumbphone age. I couldn’t have cared less – I was only interested the next wave: web services where the handset was the window into the service.

Mobile 46