Mon.Jan 09, 2012

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[Singapore] [Competition] SLA OneMap Challenge


It wasn’t quite so long ago at GovCamp Singapore that citizens were arguing for more openness of public data. Today, at least one public sector organization has taken heed – the Singapore Land Authority (SLA) is introducing the OneMap Challenge , a competition to leverage on over 45 layers of theme data contributed by various public agencies on OneMap as well as the datasets on to develop location-based desktop and mobile applications useful to businesses and the pub

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How the iPad 2 replaced the laptop in my life

Jeff Hilimire

I’ve been a laptop guy for, well, as long as I can remember. I think probably everyone reading this is. The thought of not having a laptop is likely something that seems almost impossible to most of you, I’m guessing. And I was the same way a month ago. It’s important to note that my experience won’t be the same for those of you that are programmers or designers where you need complex software to do your job.


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We have come a long way, baby!

deal architect

A week ago J.P. Rangaswami of tweeted about the London Docklands and it took me back in time. Around this time, two decades ago, I was getting ready to finish up my tour of duty in London. In the.

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In Your Small Business, Do You Celebrate Small Victories?

Small Business Force

Choosing to be an entrepreneur means you believed enough in yourself and your business concept to risk the security of a regular job, a regular paycheck. It gave you the opportunity to "live life on the fault line," as your business got launched and haltingly began to generate revenue, and maybe even some positive cash flow. Every major step forward was a small victory to be celebrated.

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Building Healthy Innovation Ecosystems for Your Projects

Speaker: Nick Noreña, Innovation Coach and Advisor, Kromatic

Every startup and innovation project exists within an ecosystem that either helps or hurts that project. As innovation managers, we need to keep a pulse of that ecosystem and make sure we're helping those innovation projects we're managing every step of the way. In this webinar, Nick Noreña will walk through an Innovation Ecosystem Model that he and his team at Kromatic have developed to help investors, heads of product, teachers, and executives understand how they can best support innovation in

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Ten Ways To Keep Cash Flow Problems From Putting You Out Of Business


by Tage C. Tracy and John A. Tracy , authors of “ Cash Flow For Dummies® “ Every small business owner knows the trouble that comes with managing the ins and outs (pun intended!) of cash flow. You can have tons of loyal customers and be an expert at getting new business and still be kept awake at night with cash flow worries. Cash flow is an issue that can send good businesses to their graves.

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If NYC is going to be a real innovation hub, we can't have our own senators supporting SOPA/PIPA

This is going to be BIG.

Tweet. I haven’t spent much time talking about SOPA and PIPA , the two twin bills trying to make their way through Congress right now. When I saw folks like Fred Wilson, who has a much bigger reach than I do, and all the major internet companies lining up against it, it’s easy to think, “Well, what more can I do to add to the volume… they’ve got it covered.

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Looking for Proof…

Life Beyond Code

You might remember this very well. Someone that you respect shared with you a piece of wisdom. You nodded your head in agreement. You probably gave them a feeling that you will do something with that insight. Days, weeks and months pass by and you didn’t do anything with that insight. One reason may be because you never believed in what was shared.

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#BEONFIRE Chat Tonight

Feld Thoughts

I’m going to participate in a Twitter chat tonight (#BEONFIRE). It’s a new initiative by @pistachio and @redheadwriting. Their first guest last week was @FAKEGRIMLOCK who, as usual, was ON FIRE. It’s happening from 8pm – 9pm Mountain (10pm – 11pm Eastern). There’s a real time Twitter chat up or you can just follow me and participate by tagging things with #BEONFIRE.

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News You Can Use: School of Business Launches this Week with Deep Discounts

Up and Running

Monday, January 9, 2012— launched the School of Business section of its website today, in partnership with leading online education provider, Udemy. The newest addition to the site will feature. the premier academic program “How to Start a Business” by industry-expert Tim Berry, along with several other specialized courses covering all key elements of starting and running a successful business. “Whether you are looking to start a business, or build-up an existing busin

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Why e-Commerce is different

Start Up Blog

At first we got confused about how to make money out of the internet. We thought we should be able to demand payment. Silly us, we forgot about the first lesson in economics – that pesky demand and supply. Supply doesn’t automatically equal demand – especially financial demand. On the internet things work in reverse. First value must be created, then it is extracted.

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Jennifer Lopez and the NDA

Growthink Blog

Every day I see entrepreneurs trying to find that right balance between keeping their intellectual property confidential while sharing and promoting their business model with partners - especially investors - whose interest they so very much need to pique. My bias generally falls strongly on the side of transparency - both because it is a virtue unto itself - and because it takes a lot of effort in our “post your business on the Internet for all to see” age to truly maintain confidentiality.

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What Is Shared Culture

Duct Tape Marketing

What Is Shared Culture This content from: Duct Tape Marketing. I wish I could give you a crisp definition of what the word culture, with regard to business, really means. It’s a tricky word that finds its way into most discussions regarding the workplace these days. Like so many things, it’s hard to describe, but you know it when you see it. The thing is, every business has a culture.

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Walker Twitter Highlights: January 2nd – 8th

Scott Edward Walker

I’m using Twitter as a form of micro-blogging to share interesting blog posts, articles and podcasts relating to entrepreneurship and startups, M&A and legal issues. Below are my five most popular tweets (via ) for the past week and a couple of blog and firm-related tweets. If you’d like to see all of my tweets (or an RSS feed of them), you can do so here.

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What I Learned From Reviewing 45+ Websites (Are You Making The Same Mistakes?)


Recently I critiqued a number of websites (links at the bottom of the post) and made suggestions for improving their conversion rates. I noticed that the key problems were pretty much the same for most of them. It’s highly likely your website suffers from the exact same problems. Fix these issues and watch your conversion rate improve. Use the following as kind of a conversion improvement checklist.

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A Stroll Through The NextView Portfolio

Rob Go

A year ago, I wrote a post detailing some tidbits about our portfolio. One year later, we’ve made more investments and learned a lot. I believe that the best way to understand an investor is to meet the founders that they work with. Second best is to understand their portfolio. So here is an unscientific cut of our portfolio and some commentary below.

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U of Cincinnati Looks To Engineers and Entrepreneurship for Opportunity Creation and Economic Growth

Campus Entrepreneurship

Just read an interesting piece about University of Cincinnati’s efforts to offer more entrepreneurial opportunities to students and faculty in its engineering programs. (h/t tto2newco ). Apparently Dean Carlo Montemagno of the College of Engineering and Applies sciences is an educational innovator at UC. From the Enterchange : He soon will launch an Entrepreneurial Innovation Center, too.

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When Fraud Detection Hinders Rather Than Helps

Venture Chronicles

I’ve had a long relationship with Patelco Credit Union , they were the first financial services company I became a customer of when I first entered the work force and even though my needs have exceeded the services they offer I do rely on them for a credit card that I use almost exclusively. I like the idea of community banks and have tried to support them over the years.

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Do You Allow Your Employees to Fail?

Small Business Force

Once, long ago, I was being interviewed for a position to run a division of one of the few large companies I ever worked for. As the interview was coming to a close, the Chairman/CEO, who I had known for years, asked me if I had any questions. I said I just had one. "Do you allow your employees to fail?" He looked at me like I had two heads and said, "Excuse, me, I'm not sure I understand your question.

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LevelUp – cool new payment co.

Scalable Startup


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They Just Don't Get It!

Small Business Force

Having spent most of my career around technology, I have always been fascinated by the brilliance, intensity and passion of the entrepreneurs, engineers and scientists in that space. I have been equally taken aback by their, often, total lack of understanding or empathy with their prospective customer or user. How often have I heard the phrase "they just don't get it," either directly or through intimation?

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The 2015 Digital Marketing Rule Book. Change or Perish.

Occam's Razor

It is the season to be predicting the future, but that is almost always a career-limiting move. So I'm not going to do that. It is a lot easier to predict the present. So I'm not going to do that either. Rather, I'm going to share a clump of realities/rules garnered from the present to help ready you for the predictable near future. Now here is the great part… if you follow these rules and act on these insights I believe you'll be significantly better prepared for the u

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Ready, Fire, Aim! How Premature Execution Dooms a Good Plan.

Small Business Force

Just as a Christmas shopping season was coming to a close, there was an announcement from Best Buy, one of the huge "big box" retailers, that it had cancelled an undisclosed number of orders because it did not have the inventory to fulfill them. On the surface, beyond the fact that it was during the high volume holiday shopping period, not earth-shattering news.

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Random Blog Recommendation – Precision Lab Photography – love these photos!

Scalable Startup


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hello Homeland and the #screwcable problem

Eric Friedman

I have been thinking about cable tv and the future of video for what seems like forever. Much has been written here about tv in general , boxee , and the future of television (remember Joost?). Tonight I finished watching Homeland from Showtime – and tweeted about it (really great show by the way!). To my surprise it set off a flurry of responses from friends and colleagues who were at various stages of being either interested in starting to watch it, in the middle of it, or interested i

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