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A Smart Bear: Startups and Marketing for Geeks

No wait, I forgot, actually the question is: What happens when employee #2 makes off with your code and roadmap and marketing data and customer list, moves to Bolivia, and starts selling your stuff world-wide at one-tenth the price? But now she has the vision and ability to design her own software, capitalizing on modern trends (e.g.

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CEO Friday: Why we don’t hire.NET programmers

The right sort of person is so passionate about coding, they can’t be stopped from doing it. But every day spent in that kitchen is a day NOT spent in a real kitchen, learning how to cook real food, and write real code. Full discloure, I am a former PHP, Perl, ColdFusion, ActionScript, VB.NET, ASP.NET and C# developer.

Java 107
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How to hire a programmer to make your ideas happen

They log in to translate the documents, one at a time, marking each finished when done, which sends the file back to the company for review.” Also important: Only go for providers who have great reviews from many past customers. Decline bids from providers without many great reviews. The translator rejects or approves.