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8 Strategies To Capitalize On Untapped Global Markets

Startup Professionals Musings

I second his list of top innovation challenges and strategies to capitalize on untapped global startup opportunities: Create new markets rather than disrupt existing ones. But for many other innovative startups in emerging markets where shocks are frequent, a focus on sustainability and the longer view are more key to success.

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6 Marketing Specifics That Apply To Every New Venture

Startup Professionals Musings

Marketing is everything these days. Yet I see many technology entrepreneurs that focus on the basics of marketing too little and too late. I like the guidance from marketing coach David Newman’s classic book “ Do It! Don’t fall into the marketing-speak trap. Good marketing is not rocket science. Marty Zwilling.

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10 Reasons To Market Globally While Selling Locally

Startup Professionals Musings

The world of marketing is changing faster than technology these days. Winning entrepreneurs have long since supplemented conventional print and video “push” marketing with digital online interactive “pull” marketing, and a while back added social-local-mobile ( SoLoMo ) to the mix. Proactively seek out win-win alliances.

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Even the Smartest VCs Sometimes Get it Wrong – Bill Gurley and Regulated Markets

Steve Blank

He illustrated his talk with regulatory horror stories in the telecom market , electronic health records , and Covid antigen tests. Unfortunately, for startups entering a regulated market following this advice this might not be the optimum path. But regulated markets are different. Regulation What’s regulatory capture?

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Marketing For Supervillains

Duct Tape Marketing

He has close to 30 years of experience in the marketing industry and has been featured in prominent media outlets like Rolling Stone and Fangoria. Known for his offbeat yet practical approach, he shares proven differentiation strategies that help businesses stand out in any market. What draws you to Japanese culture? [07:26]

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Innovative Marketing Strategies for Medical Professionals

The Startup Magazine

Gibran Khurshid points out that traditional marketing avenues such as billboards and print advertisements are no longer sufficient. Medical professionals must adopt innovative marketing strategies that harness the power of technology and human connection to stand out.

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I Haven’t Seen A Startup Yet Thrive Without Marketing

Startup Professionals Musings

Every time I challenge a business plan with little or no budget for marketing, I get the answer that they will be using “viral” marketing, which costs nothing. First of all, Seth Godin pointed out a long time ago that viral marketing does not equal word-of-mouth. Seed viral activity.

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