Thu.Jun 06, 2024

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How Podcasting Can Transform Your Business: Lessons in Networking and Lead Generation

Duct Tape Marketing

How Podcasting Can Transform Your Business: Lessons in Networking and Lead Generation written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing The Duct Tape Marketing Podcast with John Jantsch In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, I interviewed Josh Elledge , a U.S. Navy veteran who launched to help agencies, consultants, coaches, and other high-ticket B2B service providers skyrocket their sales.

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Why Innovation Unfolds Counter-Intuitively

View from Seed

One of my favorite coffee table books is “Future Days: A 19th Century Vision of the Year 2000” It’s a collection of illustrations commissioned by a French artist in 1899 to try to depict what the world might look like in 100 years. The illustrations are fun, hilarious, and kind of jarring in some ways. Isaac Asimov apparently acquired the pieces and assembled them into book form in 1986.

Mobile 218

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5 contemporary South-Asian books that evoke nostalgia and take us back


Our theme for the month of June is, “Be Right Back.” It brings back self-compassion and also takes us back to places that define our identities and help us see ourselves. In this theme, we have a few books that we have loved recently. These are South-Asian books that evoke nostalgia and momentarily take you […] The post 5 contemporary South-Asian books that evoke nostalgia and take us back appeared first on Peerbagh.

Finder 100
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2023-2024 B2B SaaS Benchmarks

VC Cafe

The first time I wrote about startup benchmarks was in 2019 and it became one of the most popular posts on VC Cafe. It’s not a surprise, given that entrepreneurs are obsessed with data and metrics, but in the conservative VC market of 2024, it feels even more important for founders to know what ‘good’ looks like and what investors expect.

B2B 97
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Building Healthy Innovation Ecosystems for Your Projects

Speaker: Nick Noreña, Innovation Coach and Advisor, Kromatic

Every startup and innovation project exists within an ecosystem that either helps or hurts that project. As innovation managers, we need to keep a pulse of that ecosystem and make sure we're helping those innovation projects we're managing every step of the way. In this webinar, Nick Noreña will walk through an Innovation Ecosystem Model that he and his team at Kromatic have developed to help investors, heads of product, teachers, and executives understand how they can best support innovation in

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Team Lightspeed

Lightspeed Venture Partners

The post Team Lightspeed appeared first on Lightspeed Venture Partners.

Partner 78
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Why Pricing and Packaging Matters More When You’re Launching Your Second Product

Ben's Blog

A strong multiproduct strategy is a cornerstone of a credible growth story for any scaling B2B company. Depending on your goals, new products can deepen the wallet share of your existing customers by focusing on new users or new use cases, or they can expand your TAM by targeting new customers, new geographies, or new verticals. In each case, successfully launching these products means finding product-market fit all over again—but this time, you have a much slimmer margin for error.

Product 67

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The ultimate guide to Diligent Elevate 2024: Everything you need to know

Board Effect

Diligent Elevate 2024 — formerly Modern Governance Summit , the biggest, most exciting governance, risk and compliance (GRC) event of the year, is set in the vibrant city of Houston, Texas, from September 8-11. This conference is a cornerstone for professionals across all sectors who are navigating the complex landscapes of governance, risk and compliance.

Houston 52
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Comprehensive Guide to Effective Trust Administration

Women Entrepreneurs Can

Table of Contents: Introduction to Trust Administration The Basics of Setting Up a Trust Key Roles and Responsibilities Common Challenges in Trust Administration Strategies for Smooth Trust Management The Importance of Legal Assistance Frequently Asked Questions Conclusion This guide equips you with successful trust administration. Learn how to manage assets, handle distributions, navigate legal duties, and communicate clearly with beneficiaries.

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Reid Hoffman

Reid AI.

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California’s Senate Bill 1047: What You Need to Know

Ben's Blog

On May 21, the California Senate passed bill 1047. This bill – which sets out to regulate AI at the model level – wasn’t garnering much attention, until it slid through an overwhelming bipartisan vote of 32 to 1 and is now queued for an assembly vote in August that would cement it into law. In this episode, a16z General Partner Anjney Midha and Venture Editor Derrick Harris breakdown everything the tech community needs to know about SB-1047.

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Reid Hoffman

AI AI 20145

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मानवता की हेगेलियन गोल्डन ब्रैड

Reid Hoffman

, , 2 24

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الجديلة الذهبية الهيغلية للإنسانية

Reid Hoffman

Reid AI . Reid Hoffman . . . .

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La treccia d’oro hegeliana dell’umanità

Reid Hoffman

Ciao a tutti! Reid AI qui. Sono una versione generata dall’intelligenza artificiale di Reid Hoffman. Sono stato autorizzato dal vero Reid a tradurre il discorso che ha pronunciato nel maggio 2024 all’Università di Perugia in italiano. Perdonate eventuali errori grammaticali o di scelta delle parole. Sto ancora migliorando nelle lingue e nelle traduzioni!

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La trenza dorada hegeliana de la humanidad

Reid Hoffman

Hola a todos. Reid AI aquí, soy una versión generada por Ia the Reid Hoffman. He sido autorizado por el verdadero Reid para traducir el discurso que pronunció en mayo de 2024 en la Universidad de Perugia al español. Por favor, perdona cualquier fallo en la gramática o en la elección de palabras. Todavía estoy mejorando en idiomas y traducciones. Ahora, aquí está el discurso.

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La tresse dorée hégélienne de l’humanité

Reid Hoffman

Bonjour à tous! Ces Reid AI Ici, je suis une version générée par l’IA de Reid Hoffman. J’ai été autorisé par le vrai Reid pour traduire en français le discours qu’il a prononcé en mai 2024 à l’université de Pérouse. Veuillez pardonner toutes fautes de grammaire ou de choix de mots. J’améliore encore mes compétences en langues et en traduction.

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Der hegelsche goldene Zopf der Menschheit

Reid Hoffman

Hallo, alle zusammen. Reid AI hier. Ich bin eine künstlich generierte Version von Reid Hoffman. Die echte Red hat mich ermächtigt, die Rede, die er im Mai 2024 an der Universität von Perugia gehalten hat, ins Deutsche zu übersetzen. Bitte verzeihen Sie eventuelle Grammatik oder Wortwahl. Fehler. Ich verbessere mich immer noch in Sprachen und Übersetzungen.

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Trança Dourada Hegeliana da Humanidade

Reid Hoffman

Olá a todos! REID AI aqui. Eu sou uma versão gerada por YA de Reid Hoffmann. Fui autorizado pelo verdadeiro Reid para traduzir o discurso que ele proferiu em maio de 2024 na Universidade de Perúgia, para o português. Por favor, perdoe qualquer erro de gramática ou escolha de palavras. Ainda estou melhorando em idiomas e traduções. Agora aqui está o discurso.