November, 2022

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6 Key Leaders Every Technical Startup Needs To Thrive

Startup Professionals Musings

In my years of advising startups and occasional investing, I’ve seen many great ideas start and fail, but the right team always seems to make good things happen, even without the ultimate idea. That’s why investors say they invest in people (bet on the jockey, not the horse), rather than the idea. Yet every entrepreneur I meet wants to talk about the idea, and rarely mentions the team.

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How to Use Frugal Innovation to Grow Your Startup


As the global economic situation deteriorates amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine and soaring energy costs, many aspiring entrepreneurs might be tempted to give up and wait for better days. But don’t give up! It is true that founding a startup in times of crisis may look more challenging. Investors can also be skittish, and winning new customers is not easy.

Startup 198

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Common Marketing Strategies for Education – Think-12 Advice

The Startup Magazine

Schools, like any other organization, need to engage in marketing efforts. How else can the institution attract students from all around the world if they don’t advertise its existence? Successful educational organizations spend a lot of money on marketing strategies. One helpful move is to coordinate with your trusted educational marketing experts like Think-12 This is the most effective strategy for attracting a large number of prospective students to the institution.

Marketing 143
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30 Entrepreneurs Reveal the Technologies They Most Look Forward to


It’s amazing how new technology keeps coming up. As a business owner, you must keep up with these technological improvements and perhaps adopt some to improve efficiency. They help improve your team's productivity and automate your team's business processes and processes in your business. It also saves you valuable time and helps keep track of activities happening around you.

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Building Healthy Innovation Ecosystems for Your Projects

Speaker: Nick Noreña, Innovation Coach and Advisor, Kromatic

Every startup and innovation project exists within an ecosystem that either helps or hurts that project. As innovation managers, we need to keep a pulse of that ecosystem and make sure we're helping those innovation projects we're managing every step of the way. In this webinar, Nick Noreña will walk through an Innovation Ecosystem Model that he and his team at Kromatic have developed to help investors, heads of product, teachers, and executives understand how they can best support innovation in

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CXL Live 2022 Recap: Main Takeaways From 6 World-Class Marketers


CXL Live 2022 was a blast. Over 300 old and new faces flew to Austin to spend two days full of networking and talks on growth and experimentation. Add to that breakfast tacos, a lot of beer, and three parties. Even though the Austin weather had some surprises in store for us, the tremendous effort to organize CXL Live pulled off the event through a (literal) storm and frenzy.

B2B 94
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The Largest Black Technology Conference: AfroTech Kicks Off Sunday in Austin


The largest black technology conference, AfroTech Conference, kicks off Sunday at the Austin Convention Center. It marks a return to in-person events after two years of the AfroTech Conference held virtually due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The conference features fireside chats with technology leaders and music performances. “We are continuing to tackle the diversity gap […].

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Generative AI and the exponential growth of content

VC Cafe

Generative AI now has the potential to exponentially grow the quantity of content created. Articles, ads, images, videos, voice, graphs, 3D objects, music, scientific papers… all can be created today with AI. In a recent WSJ article, Nina Schick , author of a book on Deep Fakes said that “by 2025 or 2030, 90% of the content on the internet will be auto-generated” OpenAI, Midjourney and Stable Diffusion, are just some of the core technologies that are advancing the generative AI

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How To Use and Integrate Regtech Solutions

The Startup Magazine

Every industry deals with regulations in some capacity. It’s a critical aspect of operating in those sectors. Regulations exist to help protect organizations and consumers. After all, you wouldn’t want to deal with a bank that doesn’t follow the regulations that protect your money and privacy. Every industry has them, but the most prominent (and vital) ones are upheld in the financial, healthcare, pharmaceutical, and payment industries.

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30 Entrepreneurs Say What Changes They Expect in Their Business Due to Technology


Technology disruption is happening at a rapid pace all around us. Its role in business will keep changing more and more with the advancement. It will have an impact on every business type. We asked our entrepreneurs what changes do they expect due to technology shortly, and this is what they have to say. #1- LED walls in exhibits. Photo Credit: Thomas Samuels.

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Why Email Marketing Is (Still) Important In 2022

Duct Tape Marketing

Why Email Marketing Is (Still) Important In 2022 written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing. Marketing Podcast with Laura Goldberg. In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast , I interview Laura Goldberg. Laura is the Chief Marketing Officer at Constant Contact. Before Constant Contact, she served as a Chief Revenue Officer for Cabbage, a leading cash flow management and data platform for small businesses acquired by American Express.

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Early Stage Advisor Equity Grants

Eric Friedman

Advisor helping a startup – Midjourney. I have been thinking about early stage equity and advisor grants for some time, including a post in 2016 , that I rely on and wanted to revisit. I have had a few founder friends reach out to me asking about how much equity to give to an advisor, and had some operators reach out asking how to become an advisor for an early stage founder.

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10 Classic Rules For Venture Success That Still Apply

Startup Professionals Musings

In this world of constant change, new technologies, and a thousand cultures, it’s evident and somehow comforting to me that the basic rules for business prosperity really haven’t changed in the last hundred years. Business success is still more about the people than the technology or idea involved. As an angel investor and a mentor to entrepreneurs I still see this every day.

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Top tips to protect your small business against a cyber attack

NZ Entrepreneur

As the adoption of digital tools has become increasingly more important for doing business, it’s crucial that business owners know how to protect themselves and their operations against cyber-attacks, says MYOB’s Head of Information and Cyber Security, Peter Wolski. COVID-19 increased the urgency for many businesses – particularly SMEs – to adopt digital tools.

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Top 5 Tools That Every Startup Needs to Provide an Excellent Customer Care

The Startup Magazine

Customer care is one of the most critical steps in starting a business. It’s a crucial part of every business for you to build strong relationships with your customers. According to a survey report provided by ArenaCX, 56% of customers stated that they are willing to pay a premium for a product to get excellent customer care. Source: Unsplash.

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30 Entrepreneurs Say Which is Their Favorite Technology Innovation


New technological innovations are coming up every now and then. Entrepreneurs have to be updated with all of them, consider them, and track how it affects their business. Not every innovation is liked by all business owners. Here are some of them which are liked by entrepreneurs. #1- The cloud. Photo Credit: William Loopesko. My favorite technology innovation has got to be the cloud.

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Book speedwriting?

deal architect

I asked followers on LinkedIn how they would use 4 months of sabbatical credits like I have accumulated over two decades at Deal Architect. I got plenty of suggestions including this from Andre Blumberg, CIO at Hong Kong based CLP.

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Helping Entrepreneurs Get To Where They Want To Go Faster

Duct Tape Marketing

Helping Entrepreneurs Get To Where They Want To Go Faster written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing. Marketing Podcast with Carolyn Rodz. In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast , I interview Carolyn Rodz. Carolyn serves as the co-founder and CEO of Hello Alice. Hello Alice is a free, data-driven, and multichannel platform helping small business owners on their entrepreneurial journey by providing access to relevant funding networks and technical assistance tools while

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8 People And Process Skills Required In Any Business

Startup Professionals Musings

As an investor in startups, I most often see entrepreneurs who are technologists, or at least have a real passion for a specific product. They rarely highlight their marketing and relationship skills , even though, in my experience, these are more often the key to success in business than product skills. I’m a believer in the old saying that investors look for great people, more than great ideas.

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Why The Pentagon Can’t Count: It’s Time to Reinvent the Audit

Steve Blank

This article previously appeared in War on the Rocks. In the past, headlines about the Pentagon failing its financial audit again would never have caught my attention. But having been in the middle of this conversation when I served on one of the Defense Department’s advisory boards, I understand why the Pentagon can’t count. The experience taught me a valuable lesson about innovation and imagination in large organizations, and the difference visionary leadership – or the lack of it –

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Spotting Opportunities; The Startup Journey of Catherine Mandungu

The Startup Magazine

Catherine Mandungu is the founder of Think RevOps , a company that began as the pandemic was brewing. She realised the revenue operations market was booming, especially within the tech industry, and therefore wanted to explore what is largely an untapped market within the UK and Europe. Finding a foothold in an often-unexplored area is difficult, but Catherine knew she could become a pioneer.

Congo 132
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30 Entrepreneurs Reveal How They Came Up With Their Business Name


The idea of exactly what your business is going to do usually comes first. Secondly, most often, is giving a title to your idea. What exactly is going to be the name of your business? Some people turn to their childhood for inspiration or a beloved family pet. It could be a made-up word you dream of one night and feel has the right ring to it. Even still some people study foreign words for the perfect meaning behind their chosen business.

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Burning Platform: The year in industry events and travel

deal architect

In the 81st episode of Burning Platform, we host Jon Reed of Diginomica and Brian Sommer of Techventive to discuss the good and bad in industry events we experienced this year and on the state of business travel. I carved.

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The Secret Sauce For Smarter Marketing Execution

Duct Tape Marketing

The Secret Sauce For Smarter Marketing Execution written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing. Marketing Podcast with Clare Price. In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast , I interview Clare Price. Clare is the President and CEO of Octain Growth Systems, the systems, process, and tools company that helps you take control of your marketing through smart execution.

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7 Startup Costs That You Assume With Outside Funding

Startup Professionals Musings

One of the myths I often hear as an advisor to many entrepreneurs is that their lifestyle would somehow be better if they could more easily find other people’s money to build their startup. They don’t realize that according to many experts , more than 90 percent of satisfied entrepreneurs use bootstrapping, since other people’s money always comes with strings, most of them negative.

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The Three Pillars of World-class Corporate Innovation

Steve Blank

My good friend Alexander Osterwalder , the inventor of the business model canvas (one of foundations of the Lean Methodology) has written a playbook (along with his associate partner Tendayi Viki ,) From Innovation Theater to Growth Engine to explain how to build and implement repeatable innovation processes inside a company. . Here’s their introduction to the key concepts inside the playbook.

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Top Tips for Securing Valuable Stock in Transit

The Startup Magazine

For many businesses, one of the biggest investment areas is stock, materials, inventory, equipment , and the like. Sometimes, a lot of cash is tied up in products that need to be moved around the country or the world, or rare materials must be shipped into and from business premises. No matter what you sell in your venture, if you have valuable stock that you need to move throughout the year, it’s vital to ensure its security so you don’t have extensive insurance and cashflow issues to worry abo

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No Whining And 6 Other Career Rules For Young Professionals


Being whiny doesn’t warrant respect. What will command respect? Robin Landa shares six professional career rules. The post No Whining And 6 Other Career Rules For Young Professionals appeared first on Young Upstarts.

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Analyst Cam: Salesforce Verticals – Manufacturing Cloud

deal architect

As we have moved to virtual briefings, I have increasingly been excerpting short video segments (with permission) as part of my Analyst Cam series. This time it is Achyut Jajoo · SVP and GM, Manufacturing and Automotive presenting an update.

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An Action Plan For Embracing Change

Duct Tape Marketing

An Action Plan For Embracing Change written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing. Marketing Podcast with Jason Feifer. In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast , I interview Jason Feifer. Jason Feifer is the editor-in-chief of Entrepreneur magazine and the author of the book — Build for Tomorrow: An Action Plan for Embracing Change, Adapting Fast, and Future-Proofing Your Career.

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7 Staffing Strategies That May Cost You Your Business

Startup Professionals Musings

Business success is all about having the best team, yet the average entrepreneur has little prior experience with hiring people and building top-notch teams. It’s no wonder that 45 percent fail in the first five years, and an even smaller percentage ever see a return for their years of effort. Most new entrepreneurs assume their passion will attract and motivate the right team members.

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The 6th Lean Innovation Educators Summit – Education and Innovation in the Age of Chaos and Disruption

Steve Blank

Join Jerry Engel , Pete Newell , and Steve Weinstein for the sixth edition of the Lean Innovation Educators Summit December 14, 1-4 pm Eastern Time, 10 am-1 pm Pacific Time. Register here. — This virtual gathering will bring together entrepreneurship educators from around the world who are putting Lean Innovation to work in their classrooms, accelerators, venture studios, and student-driven ventures.

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5 Types of Loans to Help Investors Grow Their CRE Portfolios


It isn’t difficult to find deals when building your commercial real estate (CRE) portfolio. The tricky part is the funding. CRE is one of the most lucrative portfolios , offering advantages over residential investments, although interest rates can be higher. Commercial investment property loans are one of the reasons why. To understand how to invest in this sector successfully, you need to know how the loans work and which options will serve you best.

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What Automation Technology Can Do For Your Finance Department


Implementing automation technology into the finance function offers a business’s finance leader and their team the luxury of focusing more on strategy than on processes and deadlines. The post What Automation Technology Can Do For Your Finance Department appeared first on Young Upstarts.

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Burning Platform: Manufacturing in 2050

deal architect

In the 82nd episode of Burning Platform, we host Maggie Slowik, and Andrew Burton. Global Industry Directors for Manufacturing at IFS presenting a shortened version of a session they hosted at their Unleashed Event in Miami a few weeks ago.

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What fractional CMOs can do for small businesses

Duct Tape Marketing

What fractional CMOs can do for small businesses written by Editor read more at Duct Tape Marketing. Want to grow your business and position your brand for success? One of the greatest ways to do so is hiring a CMO or Chief Marketing Officer, an experienced, result-driven executive responsible for all your marketing efforts. But with an average annual salary of over $330,000 many small to mid-sized businesses can’t easily afford a CMO.

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6 Hurdles To Deep Relationships With Business Clients

Startup Professionals Musings

Selling services has always been about relationships, but the challenges of building relationships with services clients have exploded. Customers today extrapolate their relationships not only from personal contact, but from every aspect of their interface with your company, including web site and social media interactions, access to peer reviews, as well as the actual services experience.